
The committees of the CA-DSA State Council work on policy priorities. Committee members are appointed by the State Committee and approved by the State Council. There are currently three committees: Electoral, Housing, and Labor. They meet regularly and bring policy initiatives to the State Council for discussion and approval. 

Labor Committee

The mission of the California DSA Labor Committee is to support and coordinate local DSA chapter labor work via communication, campaigns, education, training and organizing. As the Labor Committee grows and solidifies, it will develop working groups to engage in various activities meant to build rank and file power within the California labor movement.

Download East Bay DSA’s Labor 101 Pamphlet

Watch our webinar panel discussion about California’s largest strike in 2022 hosted by California DSA and moderated by Micah Uetricht, editor of Jacobin Magazine. Thursday, February 23, 2023.

Electoral Committee

The electoral committee of California DSA is responsible for:

  1. Evaluation of candidates and ballot measures that advance the interest of the working-class which are recommended to our state council for endorsement

  2. Running endorsed campaigns that build class-consciousness, root our members in the multiracial working-class, strengthen our organization, and have winnable and transformative objectives

  3. Coordinating with our National Electoral Committee to realize the goals of our organization and enact DSA’s national electoral strategy in California

  4. Communication and coordination with elected officials in California who are DSA members and share our priorities

Growth and Development Committee

The mission of the Growth and Development Committee is to grow and develop chapters and membership statewide.

The GDC will:

  1. Facilitate the formation of new chapters in California

  2. Host political education events and trainings for chapters

  3. Coordinate political campaigns across the state

  4. Grow and activate membership in California DSA and chapters in the state

  5. Assist with the development of YDSA chapters and members

Working Groups

Working Groups are established by the State Committee to address recognized needs in important arenas as they arise. Over time they may become committees on recommendation by the State Committee to the State Council. Currently they comprise Ecosocialist and Communications.


Ecosocialist organizers across DSA chapters in California are meeting to coordinate their efforts and support one another on projects and campaigns related to the Green New Deal and climate & environmental justice. Every DSA member who lives in California is welcome to join us.

We discuss challenges, goals and opportunities for collaboration in our local efforts. We also seek to coordinate that local work with the Building for Power Campaign of the National DSA Green New Deal Commission. Our goal is to amplify and build multi-racial working class power for ecosocialism.


The mission of the Communications Working Group is to enable the work of the local chapters and state committees to become visible and inspirational to all California DSA members. The Working Group will create a robust spectrum of internal and external communications channels, beginning with basic information about the organization, over time comprising regular, accessible digital and print news.